How TaxiBooker Can Boost Your Taxi Firm

How TaxiBooker Can Boost Your Taxi Firm

The Future of Taxi Booking How TaxiBooker Can Boost Your Taxi Firm In today’s fast-paced world of online services and mobile apps, taxi firms face numerous challenges to stay competitive. Many booking solutions fail to capture passenger data as required by local councils for safety, or they require customers to download an app, adding unnecessary […]

Google Closing Websites

Google is removing websites

What Closing Google Websites Means for Your Taxi Firm Google is Closing Websites from Next Month! Google is removing websites created through Google Business Profiles in March. If you have a website made with your Google Business Profile starting next month your website will be removed as part of Google’s downsizing. Why it Matters for […]

Why do I need online reviews?

Business growth and importance of reviews

Blog > Just how important are online reviews for your business? Just how important are online reviews for your taxi firm? Very few taxi companies tend to rely on reviews as a way to promote and grow their business. In fact, the word ‘rely’ doesn’t do justice to how crucial reviews are to any business looking […]

Why are reviews so important to a business?

Blog > Why are reviews so important to a business?  Why are reviews so important to a business? Reviews: The Most Important Factor In Consumer Trust  As a business owner most people understand In order for a customer to buy your product or service they must: 1. Know who you are2. Like what you do3. Trust […]